You guys, I realized this weekend I didn’t take any blog worthy pictures of my most favorite handmade gifts. Fail. Tomorrow I will put together pictures or faux pictures/inspiration behind the gifts. Maybe one day I will remember to be a good blogger. One day. Today you get another handmade gift that I actually remembered to semi-photograph. All inspired from Britt over at Paper and Post. Wine Glasses + Acrylic Paint = Fabulous Gift The dots came from the pencil eraser diped in acrylic paint. I was able to do multi colors without them mixing by doing colors in phases. For example, Dark blue was done on all the glasses and by the time that was done the first glass was ready for light green. After the painting was done I baked the glasses in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. I packaged the glasses with a cute necklace for each of the girls. Fun gift huh? I may or may not have almost kept a set…
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