Let’s start with the outside…or if you want to see where the drinks trolley found it’s home you can scroll down first. It took a mammoth effort to finish the exterior of the Maisonette but I am so glad it’s (mostly) done! I figured there would never be a better time than Lockdown to get things finished. I’ll no doubt still add things to it…there’s always another idea! The stairs were challenging as they needed to be quite steep. That funny little booth with the map is hiding the back of the built in cupboard in the patisserie. I found some paint that was a close enough colour to the other walls I had already painted so I was able to finish this wall. I didn’t use anything fancy to make the stairs…just whatever I had lying around. I don’t buy cardboard I use anything nearby, that cardboard was some packaging. I’ve already added an ‘Apartment for Rent’ sign. This wall looked far too bare… That’s better! I finished all the trim around the edges of the walls to tidy it up. Then after I took the pics I realised I’d forgotten the trim on the inside kitchen wall. Lights! Back inside now…I’ve been adding little details…the fun things that make it feel cosy. Looks like someone’s been reading. Cushions have been made… As I’m challenging myself to make everything in this little apartment I decided I should try making a fire screen. And in this pic you can see the drinks trolley has ended up on the right side of the fireplace which was where most of you thought it should live. Thank you so much for all your comments, they were very helpful! Now I’m thinking about what to make next. I haven’t made furniture for the Patisserie yet. I have to be in the mood and I’m waiting for inspiration to hit!

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