Well hello there! How was your weekend? Mine was productive. So productive in fact, that I actually finished something to show you! I know, stunning. The only room in this old house of ours that has ever been painted or updated is the downstairs guest bathroom. A very small bathroom I might add. Somehow a shower, pedestal sink and toilet were all miraculously made to fit in this tiny little room. Needless to say, there is absolutely no space for any sort of storage for all the items that typically a guest might need to find in a bathroom. If there was one thing I learned in my last tiny little home, it would be the art of cramming a lot of stuff into a small space! Although this house is more than twice the size of that one, I’m finding my “small house” mentality is proving helpful with organizing this one. My method is simple, first look up. What can you do with the vertical space? Second, if the storage has got to be out in the open, make it function as decor as well as storage. So here we go, simple wall storage for my little guest bathroom. I picked up two of these crates at Home Depot for $8 each. (Confession: I actually already had about 6 vintage crates I’ve picked up at flea markets and such that I could have used…but I have a crate collecting obsession, and I couldn’t bear the thought of putting the old cute ones in the bathroom. Lame. I know.) I stained them with a dark wood stain. I wasn’t the least bit worried about it looking perfect, the uneven stain adds to the affect, I think. Next, I screwed on some brackets. I found mine at Lowes, I believe. I screwed them onto the wall where I wanted them, and that was it! I think they are elegantly rustic. Is that a style? Whatever, I like them, and they do the trick just nicely. You know, if you only had one and hung it high enough, you could stick a bar through the brackets for it to double as a towel rack too! I’m almost finished with this bathroom, one or two more tweaks to go. The rest of the rooms will go far more slowly I’m afraid, as there is much, much more work to be done in them! Really, just having one room looking pleasant and fresh gives me a boost of energy every time I pass the door. I know the rest of the house will get there with a little time…and the process of getting there is actually pretty fun! Enjoy your week! Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. Linking To: Just Something I Whipped Up Homemaker on a Dime Funky Junk Interiors My Girlish Whims Under the table and dreaming Between Naps on the Porch

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